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Print Glorious Print; Fabric and Paper

  • Date:22/05/2021 12:00 - 29/05/2021 12:00
  • Location



Create a range of exciting surface coloured papers and fabrics, using a range of methods. The wonderful surrounding landscape will be your source of inspiration. We will collect and record information using simple sketches or photographs and notes – looking close and in detail, observing marks, colours, textures and pattern.

Back at the studio, these findings will be used to inspire exercises in print and collage.

We will explore mark-making, pattern, texture and colour using mono prints (reductive, additive and drawn methods), stamping, stencils and masks (make your own). Gradually building up layers and depth, by obscuring, overprinting, and ghost images also using transparent and opaque materials.

How you choose to develop these fabric and paper prints will depend on your personal preference; either fill a sketch book full of exciting ideas to develop later or work on a collaged finished piece. Throughout there will be discussions and instructions about design and what makes a good composition. There is an option to use hand stitch and machine stitch to further enhance and embellish the surface.

Through out your time you will also have one-to-one tutorials to discuss your personal pathways and the possible future directions you could take. This course is suitable for all levels; the only requirement is a willingness to be challenged, to experiment and have fun.



Amarjeet Nandhra is an artist and educator, originally trained in Graphic and Printed Communications. She went on to gain a first class honours degree in Creative Arts. She has exhibited nationally and internationally , both independently and as a member of Studio 21 Textile art and Textile Study Group . 

Amarjeet’s teaching experience covers a range of courses; printmaking, mixed media and contemporary stitched textiles. She has taught at Diploma level, City & Guilds and Adult Education, both in Spain and the UK. 

Her current practice explores the narrative of cloth within a social, economic and cultural setting.  This work examines the hidden meaning, looking beyond the aesthetic sensibility of these textiles. Print, mixed media, and stitch provide the foundation to express these ideas.